Where Is the Loccation of the Cabin Filter on a 1999 Pontiac Bonneville

Pontiac Bonneville Cabin Air Filter Replacement

Replacing your vehicle's cabin air filter is typically a straightforward and affordable service, but the cost depends on the type of car you have.

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Pontiac Bonneville Cabin Air Filter Replacement

RepairSmith offers upfront and competitive pricing. The average cost for Pontiac Bonneville Cabin Air Filter Replacement is $69. Drop it off at our shop and pick it up a few hours later, or save time and have our Delivery mechanics come to you.

Pontiac logo

1998 Pontiac Bonneville

3.8L V6 SSE • 11,000 miles

Pleasant Hill , CA 94523

$65 - $79

Pontiac logo

1995 Pontiac Bonneville

3.8L V6 Supercharged SSE • 377,000 miles

$60 - $74

Pontiac logo

2000 Pontiac Bonneville

3.8L V6 Supercharged SSEi • 193,000 miles

Vallejo , CA 94590

$59 - $73

Pontiac logo

2001 Pontiac Bonneville

3.8L V6 SLE • 174,000 miles

$61 - $75

Pontiac logo

1999 Pontiac Bonneville

3.8L V6 SSE • 304,000 miles

$65 - $79

Last Updated:
Jan 21, 2021 4:52 PM

What is a Cabin Air Filter?

Hopefully this isn't news to you, but the quality of air you breathe matters a great deal. Though, you probably don't think about the air you're breathing inside of your car, and that's all thanks to your cabin air filter. The cabin filter's job is to filter out any debris, dirt, pollen or dust, that might get into your car while driving and makes sure you have nice, clean air to breathe inside your car. As you drive, air from outside the car gets funneled into the cabin. During that seemingly simple process, the air is forced through the vehicle's filter. As it goes through the air filter, strong odors, dust, pollen and other debris in the air are removed. The cabin's filter can be particularly important for drivers and passengers with allergies or in regions with bad air quality. When your vehicle's air filter is not doing its job, on the other hand, it makes trying to breath in your car similar to trying to breath in the dingiest of Vegas casinos. Not fun. Cabin air filters usually have a pretty long lifespan, but like so many parts of your vehicle, the filter can wear out and need to be replaced. Thankfully, a cabin air filter replacement is a pretty simple thing to replace.

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Symptoms of a failing Cabin Air Filter

Bad smells

Are we on the Old Town Road? No? Then why does it smell like it in your car? Look, I shouldn't have to break this down for you, since you presumably read the description above. But a cabin air filter keeps dirt, dust, and other particles from entering your car. So, if your filter isn't doing it's job, you're likely going to pick up on some funk odors.

Scheduled maintenance

Your two favorite words in the world! You're just such a huge fan of scheduled vehicle maintenance, aren't you? If you rarely look at your maintenance schedule, you should probably break that habit. Because if you do, you might just save a ton of money. When it comes to cabin air filters, there is always a specified timeframe that is outlined by the manufacturer. We trust them, and you should too.

Visibly dirty

Look. I know you're probably not checking your cabin air filter on the daily, but it wouldn't hurt you to give it a try. Considering the filter is white when it's nice a new, you'll definitely notice when it's dirty and covered in dust, dirt, and other debris.

Poor heater and A/C performance:

A severely clogged cabin filter can also cause a reduction in the performance of your heating and air conditioning systems. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that your lack of heating or AC will cause some discomfort for you and your passengers.... This alone is a good sign that you should replace your filter.

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How urgent is a Cabin Air Filter replacement?

It's really up to you as to how willing you are to breathe in polluted air while driving. But if you'd like to maximize your driving experience, we recommend getting your vehicle's cabin air filter taken care of at your earliest convenience. The part of fixing your air filter is that it that the filter is one of the least expensive parts to replace! So, why not just knock it out?

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Where Is the Loccation of the Cabin Filter on a 1999 Pontiac Bonneville

Source: https://www.repairsmith.com/i/estimates/common-car-repairs/cabin-air-filter-replacement/Pontiac/Bonneville/

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